To receive and consider a schedule of Planning Applications from West Oxfordshire District Council.
With the express permission of the Chair, an additional application was considered, this was a re-consultation following amended plans being submitted for 33 Moorland Close, Witney Planning Ref:24/02341/HDD due to the short consultation period advised by WODC. A response of “Witney Town Council have no objection to amended plans” was agreed for submission.
Members noted the re-consultation of the application in respect of Former Hackett’s, Wesley Walk Planning Ref:24/02179/FUL which had been circulated to members outside of the Committee again due to the short consultation period advised by WODC. For which a response of “Witney Town Council has no objections to this application” was submitted on 12 November 2024.
That, the comments, as per the attached schedule be forwarded to West Oxfordshire District Council.
Supporting documents: