Agenda item

Youth Services

To receive and consider the report of the Deputy Town Clerk.


With the permission of the Chair, this item was moved up the agenda so the members of public could hear the discussion and outcome.


Members received and considered the report of the Deputy Town Clerk along with the verbal update from the two members of The Station that had proceeded the item.


The Station


Members heard the result of the ‘KICK’ sessions held at the 4G astro-turf pitch during the summer months. The sessions had seen approx. 35-40 attendees at each of the 15 sessions. They explained the lessons learnt and the ideas for improvement in the future so as to encourage more female attendance and participation along with potentially an exclusive use of the facility.

Overall engagement with young people had continued to be positive with outcomes and success evident as they brought large numbers of young people together.


The main issue that The Station faced was the lack of space in times of poor/cold weather for somewhere that the detached youth team could signpost young people to so that they may participate in an activity or just somewhere to sit and chat. Members discussed potential venues including the Corn Exchange however, it could only offer sporadic availability due to other community groups and existing bookings.


The member of the Witney Music Festival Team that was present indicated that he may be able to help facilitate introductions to the music venues around the town such as Fat Lils and Studio 7 who had potential space available during weekdays. The Station would follow this up and progress with WMF’s help.


Assisting Parents of Children Affected by Mental Health (APCAM)


The Deputy Town Clerk provided a verbal update following the sessions run by APCAM over the summer months. The sessions saw assistance provided to 10 families with support still continuing for 2 of these.

APCAM had offered their thanks to the Council for the award of the grant funding and had expressed an interest in extending the offering further in order to support more families. It was agreed that Officers explore the options further and report back to the Committee.


Witney Youth Council


14 Applications had been received and Members agreed that interviews would be offered to all applicants. Two members of the Witney Youth Council mentors would be available to sit on the panel along with Officers. Interviews would be arranged as soon as possible in order to not delay the progress of the project.




1.     That, the report and verbal updates be noted and,

2.     That, all applicants for the Youth Council be invited to attend an interview and,

3.     That, delegation be provided to the Deputy Town Clerk to  explore with APCAM the possibility of providing services throughout the year, this potentially being monthly, during half-term and or summer holidays.


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