Agenda item

Residents Satisfaction Survey

To receive and consider the report of the Deputy Town Clerk.


The Committee received and considered the report of the Deputy Town Clerk (DTC) which provided details of actions taken in response the residents survey conducted earlier in the year.


The DTC provided a correction to the report to say that the wet pouring of the new entrance surface at the Leys play area was not yet complete, it would be carried out in the less busy months so as not to impact users.


Members were advised that the inclusion of a piece of disabled access equipment was in planning with the intention that it could be installed soon at The Leys.


The Committee were advised a schedule of notifications would be issued to advise residents of the actions taken so that they may see that their comments had been taken on board.


A Member enquired of the budget required to maintain the Cricket Square at The Leys; the arrangement was due to be reviewed in the next budget year. The Operation Manager advised whether the decision is to retain the square or return it to parkland there would be cost implications. It was therefore decided that the subject be discussed further at the next meeting of the Committee.




1.      That, the report be noted and,

2.      That, budget requirements for the continuance or removal of playing of Cricket at The Leys should be added to the next committee meeting agenda.


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