To receive the report of the Deputy Town Clerk.
The Committee received the report of the Deputy Town Clerk along with verbal updates from him and the Operations Manager regarding the security of facilities following two unauthorised traveller encampments during the year.
Members heard that a replacement gate for Burwell Recreation Ground had been ordered and would be installed on receipt. They were disappointed to hear that the council would be unable to recover costs for the damage caused, therefore once again the cost would be met by the residents of Witney along with the costs of any other additional security measure that were needed.
The Committee were also advised of the loss of income resulting in the cancelled hall booking at Burwell Hall for the evening of 30 August 2024.
Lastly, the Leader of the Council asked that members of the council considered carefully any social media posts for these incidents as, in the case of the unauthorised traveller entry, hateful comments had been made on the back of them.
That, the report and verbal updates be noted.
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