Agenda item

Windrush Cemetery - Memorial Monolith

To receive the report of the Operations Manager.


The Committee received and considered the report of the Operations Manager in respect to the installation of a memorial monolith within Windrush Cemetery.


Members all agreed that the proposed location of the memorial was more fitting and created an easier access to those visiting the cemetery to pay respects. Members also agreed that the cost for new plaques should remain the same and should any existing plaque require relocating, then this cost would be borne by the Council.


The Committee considered the options of Oak or Stone, a vote was taken, with 5 members in favour of Oak and 2 in favour of Stone.




1.      That, the report be noted and

2.      That, the installation of an Oak monolith be installed for the approximate sum of £850 and,

3.      That, the cost of a plaque to remain at £60.50 and,

4.      That, the costs of any plaques to be relocated be borne by the Council.




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