Agenda item

Witney Mills Bowls Club – Request for Clubhouse Improvements

To receive correspondence from Witney Mills Bowls Club concerning improvements at West Witney Sports Ground.


The Committee received and considered correspondence from Witney Mills Bowls Club regarding a request for their facilities to be improved as part of the development of the new Council works depot.


Members also heard from a member of the Witney Mills Bowls Club explaining the history of the club and the needs of members to enhance their experience and use of the Bowls rink.


The Project Officer and Operations Manager were also able to provide members with details of how the request may fit with the proposals for the depot and how the current use of the bowls green fitted into the overall work of the operations team when compared to other sports clubs across the town and district.


Members asked for clarification of the agreement between the club and the Council in respect of the green fees and rent that were paid by the club for the facility but agreed the provision of water and electricity to the Witney Mills Pavilion should be explored further by officers as part of this project





1.      That, the report and verbal updates be noted,

2.      That, Officers provide clarification of the financial agreement between the club and the council,

3.      That, Officers investigate further the proposal to provide utilities to Witney Mill Bowls Club and provide details so that a budget can be considered.


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