To receive the report of the Project Officer.
The Committee received and considered the report along with a verbal explanation of its content from the Project Officer.
Wheeled Sports Park
The date of the Street Art Competition had been amended at the request of the supporting partner to 5 October 2024. This would allow more experienced national artists to participate with the hope of leading to better quality artwork.
Members, having received reassurance of the code of conduct, were all in agreement with the event taking place and welcomed the introduction of the temporary display boards for artist to use on ad-hoc basis.
West Witney Sports & Social Club
Members were disappointed to hear that a decision to reopen the Community Ownership Fund had not been made by the Government, however, were pleased to hear that the potential funding opportunity available from the Football Association would be explored further.
The Project Officer explained that the project would now be considered as one whole project rather than individual smaller projects. More information would be provided once West Oxfordshire District Council executive met on 11 September 2024 to decide on the funding for the 3G pitch project.
Ralegh Crescent
The Project Officer thanked all Councillors that helped assist the consultation events to gather feedback, this was now being worked through and a report would be made available at the next Committee meeting.
The Leys Splashpad
Members heard that the splashpad had been in operation for the majority of the summer with only minor repairs being required. The Project Officer would be progressing the project by obtaining tenders for the splashpad upgrade works.
Parking at the Leys
Officers were continuing to progress with the Traffic Regulation Order application to limit the parking time at the Leys parking area. It was expected that this would run 8am to 6pm with no return within 2 hours. Officers would request that Saturdays & Sundays would be exempt from the restrictions.
That, the report and verbal updates be noted.
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