To receive and consider the report of the Deputy Town Clerk.
The Committee received and considered the report and verbal update of the Deputy Town Clerk which provided an update on the Council’s sports pitches and the administration of sports bookings.
The Leader thanked the Booking and Operation Teams for the work they did despite the criticism they face particularly when it is magnified by social media.
Members believed that an online bookings system would be more transparent and could potentially be expanded to Halls Bookings. They welcomed Officers exploring the idea further and looked forward to receiving detailed information and quotes for the software.
Members also received correspondence from Witney Town Bowls Club (WTBC) regarding the maintenance of their bowling greens. In response, the Operations Manager advised he had met with the club and the issues raised had in the main been dealt with by his team and the club were happy with the resolutions. He added that WTBC was a very active club with over 800 members and an extensive playing calendar; the Club were a pleasure to work with and did all they can to facilitate access for maintenance of the green.
1. That, the report and verbal update be noted and,
2. That, Officers investigate the online booking system and report back their findings at the next meeting and,
3. That, the correspondence from Witney Town Bowls Club be noted.
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