Agenda item

Financial Matters referred from Spending Committees

To receive and consider the report of the Deputy Town Clerk.


The Committee received the report of the Deputy Town Clerk (DTC) outlining the financial implications pertaining to recommendations of the Council’s spending Committees.


A Member raised the non-inclusion of the recommendation made at the Stronger Communities Committee on 15 July regarding the establishment of a separate budget line to account for annual Youth Services Grants. The DTC advised that this would be included in budget setting for 2025/26.


H375 – Members received the additional quotes for the replacement coffee machine at the Corn Exchange. Members agreed to continue with purchase from Option 1, UE Coffee Roasters as this supported a local business in line with its adopted procurement policy. Members were assured that Officers continually monitor pricing in order to ensure good value for money for all consumables.


H379 – The DTC advised that the Head of Estates & Operations would be attending a workshop to commence negotiation of contract terms for the EV Microhub Scheme. Initial feedback had advised that Madley Park Hall could be considered as a location.


The DTC provided a verbal update that APCAM had arranged youth mental health drop-in sessions over the summer holidays and therefore, the remaining £1,000 Youth Provision budget (4169/408) would be used to finance these with any additional funding required to come from the discretionary budget fund (4100/407).




1. That, the report and verbal update be noted and,

2. That, the recommendations of the spending Committees be approved.



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