Agenda item

Resident’s Satisfaction Survey Results

To receive and consider the report of the Deputy Town Clerk concerning the results of the annual staisfaction survey which took place earlier in the year.


The Committee received and considered the report of the Deputy Town Clerk concerning the results of the resident’s annual satisfaction survey which was held at the beginning of the year.


Given the overarching remit of the Committee, the survey results covered all areas of the survey. Members expressed their disappointment at the results of the survey however sympathised with some of the residents comments such as those relating to  maintenance of land not under the Town Council’s ownership and highways maintenance issues. The Chair reminded Members that these should be reported via the Fix My Street website so that they receive the necessary attention and action.


The Deputy Town Clerk acknowledged comments relating to areas under the Town Councils ownership and advised that both Officers and the whole Operations Team would continue to work to improve these. A report would be presented at a future meeting to update Members on what action would be taken.


The Committee discussed ways the Town Council could engage with residents to advise what is under its remit and what is not. It was acknowledged that as the Town Council is the only local authority to engage with residents, that this led to it taking the impact of comments that related to the other levels of local government.


The Chair proposed that the comments relating to West Oxfordshire District Council and Oxfordshire County Council were forwarded to them to ensure that the residents efforts to complete the survey were recognised. All Members were in agreement.


It was further proposed by the Chair that residents be thanked for their participation in the survey by the Town Council and as the residents comments were anonymous some would be used to illustrate those that had been forwarded to WODC and OCC. All Members were in agreement.




1.      That, the report be noted and,

2.      That, residents be thanked for their participation and,

3.      That, comments relating to WODC & OCC be forwarded by Officers.




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