Agenda item

Application for Pavement Licence - Fleece & Flagon, Chequers Inn, 47 Corn Street, Witney

To receveie and consider an application for pavement licence from Fleece & Flagon Chequers Inn 47 Corn Street Witney.


The Committee received and considered an application for a pavement licence for The Fleece & Flagon. Members noted that the pavement outside the premises was incumbered with mature trees and the optional siting of furniture on the pavement may cause issues, particularly to those individuals with impaired sight or requiring the use of mobility aids.




That the following submission be made to West Oxfordshire District Council Licencing Team.


Whilst Witney Town Council offers no objections to this application in principle, Members raised concerns on size and layout of the seating onto the public footway. Members ask that accessibility be taken in account, and suggest officers make a site visit to see the furniture in situé, and ensure pedestrian access is not affected.



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