Agenda item

Grants & Subsidised Lettings

To receive and consider the report of the Deputy Town Clerk.


The Committee received and considered the report of the Deputy Town Clerk along with a verbal update detailing requests for the award of grants and subsidised lettings.


Windrush School – Members agreed unanimously that the request for £1,000 for play therapy equipment should be agreed.


Dementia Active – Members agreed on the importance of the support that could be provided by the proposed sessions however, felt that more information was required in order to reach a decision. Members asked that Officers open a dialogue with Dementia Active to enquire if the sessions would be established in Witney rather than the current Freeland location, perhaps with the offer of subsidised lettings of Burwell Hall or the Corn Exchange. The Committee agreed for the funds to be ringfenced until Officers report back.


Witney Town Band – Members considered the annual grant request. In response to a Member question as to whether it was necessary for an application to be submitted, the Town Clerk/CEO confirmed that a grant application and accompanying financial information was required each year in order for the Council to fulfil its audit obligations.


Lastly, the Town Clerk/CEO tabled a request from Witney Vikings Youth Football Club which had been received the previous working day requesting a grant of £3,000 for a new on-site container to be located at Wood Green School in order facilitate two new floodlit grass pitches. Members were unable to reach a decision without any financial information as outlined in the Council’s Grant Policy. Members also asked that confirmation of permission from Wood Green School to site the container on their land be provided.




1.      That, the report and verbal update be noted and,

2.      That, the sum of £1,000 be awarded to Windrush School from budget line 4100/407 and,

3.      That, Officers open a dialogue with Dementia Active and,

4.      That, the sum of £660 be awarded to Witney Town Band from budget line 4112/408 and,

5.      That, the award of £11,000 to Home Start Oxford be noted and,

6.      That, financial information and evidence of permission to site a container be requested from Witney Vikings Youth Football Club and,

7.      That, the correspondence from Oxfordshire Mind, Bridwell Gardens, Be Free Carers, 1st Witney Ranger Girl Guides, Lowland Resue Oxfordshire, Witney Music Festival and Witney Fairtrade Action Group be noted

8.      That, all the awarded grants above be awarded under the General Power of Competence and that their recipients be asked to acknowledge the Council’s financial contribution in their promotional literature.



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