Agenda item

Major Strategic Projects

To receive and consider the confidential report of the Town Clerk/C.E.O.


The Committee received and considered the confidential report of the Town Clerk/CEO which provided an update on The Leys redevelopment and the Destination Play projects.


Leys Hub/Courtside CIC

Members were pleased to receive an update provided by Courtside CIC and welcomed seeing the advancement of the project with groundworkers on site by the beginning of August.


Destination/Adventure Play – Windrush Place Development

The Committee discussed the proposal from Oxfordshire Playing Fields Association (OPFA) to project manage the development of the Destination Play area at Windrush Place. It was felt that as the Town Council was already managing several major projects that it would be prudent to allow OPFA to take the lead in order to deliver the project given that the Section 106 funds were in place.


Members were pleased to hear that the Town Clerk/CEO believed that OPFA would set up a steering group to allow for stakeholders to feed into the project.




1.      That, the confidential report be noted and,

2.      That, Oxfordshire Playing Fields Association be requested to project manage the Destination Play project delivery.