Agenda item

Payment of Accounts

To receive and consider the schedule of accounts paid and bank reconciliations from the Responsible Financial Officer (RFO).


The Committee received the report of the Responsible Financial Officer with the accompanying payment schedules, bank statements and reconciliations.


A Member raised two question which the RFO responded to:


The Payment of £1,861.58 made on 30 May 2024 was for the repair of 4 streetlights in Unterhaching Park, off Woodford Way which had recently been signed over to the Town Council from West Oxfordshire District Council.


Secondly, the payment of £20,495.75 made on 7 May 2024 was in respect of the Town Council elections that took place on 4 May 2023. The RFO confirmed the delay in payment was due to late invoicing by West Oxfordshire District Council.




That, the report, bank statements and reconciliations be noted, and the following schedule of payments be approved:

Payment reference/ Cheque Numbers

In the sum of:


Cheques 101241-101243, DDs and Standing Orders April 2024


General CB 1

Cheques 34678-34702; 34511 & 34555 (written out;  DDs and Standing Orders April 2024


Imprest CB 2

Cheques 101244-101249, DDs and Standing Orders  May 2024

Cheque 101250 – transfer to Council BPA




General CB 1


General CB1

Cheques 34705-34751, DDs and Standing Orders May 2024 (cheques 34703 & 34704 void)


Imprest CB 2






Supporting documents: