Agenda item

OCC Flood Risk Consultation

To receive and consider the draft Oxfordshire Local Flood Risk Management Strategy which sets out how Oxfordshire County Council, in its role as Lead Local Flood Authority for Oxfordshire, and partner authorities will work together to manage flood risk. 


The LFRMS covers a five-year period but also look at the longer-term consequences that need to be taken into account, particularly in relation to climate change.


Details of the consultation can be found via:


Responses are requested by 23 August 2024.


The Committee received and considered the correspondence from Oxfordshire Country Council regarding the Oxfordshire Local Flood Risk Management Strategy which set out how Oxfordshire County Council, in its role as Lead Local Flood Authority for Oxfordshire would collaborate with partner authorities to manage flood risk.


Members unanimously agreed that Witney Town Council would not respond as a collective to the consultation, rather it was felt that the details of the consultation be distributed to all Town Councillors so that they may submit their own comments based on how the Management Plan would impact their ward and its residents.




1.      That, the correspondence be noted and,

2.      That, details of the consultation be issued to all Town Councillors.




Supporting documents: