Agenda item

Spruce Up Your Signs

To receive correspondence from Oxfordshire County Council concerning a volunteer scheme to help clean road signs, and consider whether the Town Council supports and promotes the service in Witney.


The Committee received the correspondence from Oxfordshire County Council’s Volunteer Coordination team concerning their promotion of the “spruce up your signs” campaign.


Members felt that the scheme was aimed at smaller parishes where the work could perhaps be completed in half or a full day. However, Councillors G Meadows and S Simpson were eager to establish this in Witney and it was therefore agreed that the details would be shared with all Town Councillors to seek assistance to ensure that each ward received the same upkeep in a timely manner.


The Deputy Town Clerk advised that Officers would continue to speak with the Council’s Insurance provider to investigate how members of public may be covered for carrying out volunteer work within the Town should interest be shown.




  1. That, the correspondence be noted and,
  2. That, an invitation be sent to all Councillor to assist Councillors Meadow and Simpson.


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