Agenda item

Traffic Sensitive Streets

To receive correspondence regarding the consultation on the proposal by Oxfordshire County Council to designate certain streets as traffic sensitive.


Traffic Sensitive Streets Review Consultation | Let's Talk Oxfordshire



The Committee received and considered the correspondence from Oxfordshire Country Council in respect of the consultation to designate streets as traffic sensitive.


Members appreciated the frustration faced by residents when roads were affected by what is seen as poorly planned works. In particular it was felt that Downs Road and Bridge Street caused major inconveniences and therefore the response should ask that these are of particular focus.




That, the following response be submitted to Oxfordshire County Council.


Witney Town Council ask that all major roads that surround or pass though Witney (including Downs Road) be included as traffic sensitive streets due to the impact works on them have on congestion in the town. They further ask that although it already features in the plan, that a high precedence is placed on Bridge Street as the sole river crossing and main artery connecting the North and South of the town.




Supporting documents: