Agenda item

County Council EV Microhubs Pilot Scheme - Burwell Hall

To receive correspondence from Oxfordshire Country Council regarding the EV Microhub Pilot Scheme.


Members received the correspondence from Oxfordshire County Council (OCC) regarding the EV pilot scheme.


Members were pleased to hear that Burwell Hall had been selected as one of nine pilot sites across the county to receive one of the installations however, it was thought that the siting of the EV charger at the Madley Park Hall Car Park, which had previously been submitted as a potential location due to its position within an area where a higher proportion of houses and flats don’t have driveways or parking adjacent to their properties, might be more beneficial.


Members raised questions regarding the potential demand of the charger should they not be rapid chargers as well as any financial incentives to the Council as landowner. It was also agreed that the Council should do all it can to support the EV Pilot programme as it aligned with the Council’s aim to reduce the effect of climate change, and this would also provide an additional charge point for the council expanding fleet of vehicles.


All members were in agreement with Officers progressing with the scheme and discussing contractual terms with OCC and report back to a future meeting of the Committee.




1.      That, the correspondence be noted and,

2.      That, Officer progress with scheme with OCC raising the members queries and concerns.


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