Agenda item

Town Centre CCTV Scheme – request for Capital contribution

To receive and consider the report of the Responsible Financial Officer (RFO).


The Committee received and considered the report of the Responsible Financial Officer (RFO) prepared following a request from West Oxfordshire District Council to further contribute to the replacement of Witney CCTV cameras.


The Leader outlined her disappointment that following the agreement of the Council to contribute the sum of approx. £11,500  annually for the next three years, WODC were asking for further financial support despite at the same time notifying of the savings they were making due to the new scheme.


Members were in agreement and felt that without evidence to show the benefit of the CCTV scheme to the Town they were not prepared to offer additional funds. A Member, who was also a WODC Councillor advised that despite a similar request, Thames Valley Police had been unable to provide the necessary figures when requested.


The Deputy Town Clerk highlighted the duty that the Town Council had under the Crime & Disorder Act 1998 which Members acknowledged by felt that without further details they could not commit the funds and were already providing £11,500 annually.


It was proposed by Councillor R Smith, seconded by Councillor J Doughty that on receipt of additional information, the Council would consider an additional financial contribution in the 2025/26 budget year provided it showed a benefit to the Town. All members were in agreement.




  1. That, the report be noted and,
  2. That,  additional information be requested to provide evidence of the benefit of the CCTV to the Town and,
  3. That, a figure of £10,000 be added to the 2025/26 budget for this purpose.


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