Agenda item

Communications Report

To receive and consider the report of the Communications & Community Engagement Officer.


The Committee received the report of the Communications & Community Engagement Officer.


Members were in agreement that the Council support the work of the Witney Talking News group as much as possible with suggestions such as  the offer to for them to  make use of the Community window in the Town Hall reception, for Councillors to offer to provide content by way of a Question & Answer piece and that Officers add the organisation’s details to the Partners page of the Councils Website.


Members were pleased to hear of the two consultations that took place at Witney Carnival to gain residents opinion on the renovation of the splash park and for the new MUGA/MUSA arrangements for Ralegh Crescent and looked forward to hearing further on these projects.


The Committee agreed unanimously that additional signage was not needed to ask owners not to allow their dog to foul and believed that the social media campaign would help to highlight the issue along with the problems with littering.




  1. That, the report be noted and,
  2. That, the use of the Community Windows be offered to  Witney Talking News and,
  3. That, Officers add the Witney Talking News to the Councils website as a Partner and,
  4. That, Dog fouling be covered in the Council’s social media campaign.


Supporting documents: