Agenda item

Public Halls Business Plan Review

To receive and consider from the Venue & Events Officer an updated Business Plan for the Corn Exchange along with draft business plans for Burwell Hall and Café 1863.


The Committee received and considered the business reports prepared by  the Venue & Events Officer (VEO).


Members were pleased to see the draft copies of Business Plans for Burwell Hall and Café 1863 and they looked forward to receiving the final versions.


In response to a Member’s question, the VEO advised that progress toward the Year 1 outstanding goals for the Corn Exchange was progressing as planned with improvements expected soon with LED lighting for the tiered seating, new modular staging and the introduction of the box office counter for use when performances took place.


It was suggested that Officer present the future objective progress in a colour coded fashion, red, yellow and green to show yet to start, in progress and completed.




1.      That, the report be noted and,

2.      That, the future objectives section of the business plan be colour coded to show the level of progression and,

3.      That, the business plans for Burwell Hall and Café 1863 be finalised ahead of the next meeting.


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