Agenda item

Public Halls Report

To receive and consider the report of the Venue & Events Officer.


The Committee received and considered the report of the Venue & Events Officer (VEO) which provided an update on the Councils public halls.


Members discussed the proposal to replace the existing coffee machine at the Corn Exchange with a new model and contract term. It was also proposed that the current coffee machine be purchased and relocated at Burwell Hall in order to provide refreshments to football teams that play their matches there.


Members asked that further information be provided by Officers prior to a decision being taken to purchase the existing machine as it was felt that with the location of the convenience store opposite Burwell Hall, this could already be meeting the needs of the football teams.


The Chair asked for an agreement in principle to the recommendations in the report. It was therefore proposed by Councillor J Aitman, seconded by Councillor D Newcombe and agreed by all members to purchase the existing machine at a cost of £1,000 should demand be expressed by the football clubs for refreshments at Burwell Hall.


In respect of a replacement machine for the Corn Exchange, Members again in principle  agreed to proceeding with Option 3, this being a new machine supplied by UE coffee roasters with a 36-month contract at a cost of £160.27 per month when the current contract ended in September 2024 or if required at an earlier date should the existing machine be moved to Burwell Hall.


The VEO advised that details of all the quotes obtained would be made available to the Policy, Governance & Finance Committee at the meeting on 22 July 2024.


The Head of Estates & Operations raised to the committee verbally a request for the purchase of an ice cream freezer, this was to be used to sell items in the café as well as during intervals of performances at the Corn Exchange. Officers had identified a suitable item with an expected cost of £450.




1.      That, the report and verbal update be noted and,

2.      That, Officers discuss the demand for Witney Vikings for refreshments and,

3.      That, should sufficient demand exist then the current coffee machine be purchased at a cost of £1,000 and,

4.      That, Officers proceed with the replacement of the coffee machine on a 36-month contract costing £160.27 per month subject to receiving further comparable quotes to meet the Council’s financial regulations.

5.      That, an ice cream freezer be purchased for use in the Corn Exchange.


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