Agenda item

Café/Bar 1863

For discussion by Chair:


a) Daily newspapers

b) Fairtrade tea and coffee




The Chair opened discussions as to whether the Corn Exchange Café should continue to supply a daily newspaper for its users, opinions were expressed as to both the cost incurred and the political standing of particular papers.


The Venue & Events Officer advised the newspapers were well read, and that additional copies were left by some Café users for others to read. Members agreed that it would be best to support local and neutral papers only.


All Members agreed to purchase the Witney Gazette & Big Issue along with the Metro newspaper which could be obtained from the Stagecoach bus each day. Officers would monitor the responses left by users via the feedback cards that were available in the Café for completion.


Fairtrade Products


Members moved on to discuss the Café’s Fairtrade product offerings as it was felt that the Council should be more focused on promoting the Fairtrade scheme wherever possible. Members agreed that Officers should investigate the inclusion of Fairtrade drink options.


The Venue & Events Officer advised the current coffee supplier, though not Fairtrade, did follow similar values and that a compromise would be needed to ensure that the Council supports Fairtrade, locally sourced as well as financially responsible purchasing.


Lastly, Members asked that signage be displayed to advise café users of the Councils aims to supply ethically sourced products whenever possible and that a commitment to this should be included in the business plans for the Halls and Café.




1.      That, the Witney Gazette, Big Issue and the Metro newspaper be available to users in the Café and,

2.      That, the response to the change in supply of newspapers be monitored and,

3.      That, the Corn Exchange café manager explore options for Fairtrade tea and biscuits/cakes and,

4.      That, a notice of the council commitment to supply local and ethically sourced products wherever possible be displayed and included in the council’s business plans.