Agenda item

St Mary's Churchyard - Public Right of Way

To receive correspondence from residents of Fernleigh, Buttercross Lane, regarding the maintenance of this footway.


The Committee considered the correspondence along with the verbal participation from the residents of Fernleigh in respect of the Right of Way through St Mary’s Churchyard.


The Fernleigh residents had outlined the issues that they faced on a daily basis when using the path though the churchyard and how the rough surface impacted them by creating trip hazards, an uncomfortable journey on their mobility scooters as well as causing damage to their scooters due to the jolting. They also advised that there was no acceptable alternative route due to the lack of suitable dropped kerbs and obstacles they faced.


Members understood the residents’ concerns and assured them the matter would be taken seriously, investigated by Officers and an update provided to them.


The Town Clerk/CEO advised that she had already made initial enquiries with Oxfordshire Country Council’s Countryside Team and the Church, these discussions would continue in order to establish ownership and responsibility. Once known, a schedule and cost of works could be considered.




1.      That, the correspondence be noted and,

2.      That, the Town Clerk/CEO continue investigation to establish ownership and report back her findings.

3.      That, the residents of Fernleigh be kept updated on progress.


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