Agenda item

Residents Satisfaction Survey Results

To receive and consider the report of the Deputy Town Clerk concerning the results of the 2024 annual residents’ satisfaction survey for this Committee.


The Committee received and considered the report of the Deputy Town Clerk concerning the results of the resident’s annual satisfaction survey which was held at the beginning of the year.


Members were disappointed to see negative comments regarding the Christmas lights however, hoped that the newly agreed contract would deliver improvements to the display starting this year.


Members also discussed the 2023 Floral arrangement, verges, and the visual appearance of the grassed roundabouts under the Towns control with mixed opinions, the Deputy Town Clerk acknowledged the comments and advised that both Officers and the whole Operations Team would continue to work to improve these areas.


The Committee discussed the provision of benches on land owned by the Council, members asked that consideration be given to increasing the number as well as the installation of picnic benches at recreational areas.


Members expressed their confusion with not always being clear what land is owned, and therefore who was responsible for areas of land. The Committee Clerk advised that there was a land responsibility map on the Council’s website and that the Administrative Team at the Town Hall reception were happy to assist any enquiries using additional mapping available to them.




1.      That, the report be noted and,

2.      That, a review of the provision of benches is carried out by Officers.


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