Agenda item

Resident's Satisfaction Survey Results

To receive and consider the report of the Deputy Town Clerk concerning the results of the 2024 annual resident’s satisfaction survey for this Committee.


The Committee received and considered the report of the Deputy Town Clerk (DTC) which provided feedback results following the annual residents survey.


The DTC advised that this was the raw data and that a further report would be presented to the Committee in September 2024 after Officers had fully reviewed the results and were able to provide an action plan along with budget costings.


A Member noted that the percentage of responses rating a service as “Excellent” had decreased though the number of responses had increased. It was also noted that the number of responses selecting “not applicable” was significant; it was felt that this may have been a result of the large proportion of responses being from the schools who did not make use of the services under the remit of this Committee.




That, the report be noted.


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