To receive a verbal update from the Chair and Leader on the site meeting held with the Club and Oxfordshire Cricket Board on 20th June 2024; and reconsider issuing a licence agreement for a minimum of 5 years setting out responsibilities, terms & conditions of the Club and the Council in occupying and maintaining facilities at West Witney Sports Ground.
The Chair raised this agenda item in the meeting so the member of public present could listen to the discussion.
The Committee received a verbal update from the Leader of the Council concerning Witney Swifts Cricket Clubs request for an agreement on the use and maintenance of West Witney Sports Ground. This followed a meeting which had taken place with representatives from Swifts, Oxford Cricket Board and officers of the Council.
Members had previously been reluctant to offer exclusive use of the West Witney Ground which would restrict other users during the cricket season, but they were advised only two non-Witney teams had used the ground, which could still happen under any future agreement.
There was also recognition that the club needed a security of tenure for at least five years in order to grow and details on wicket and outfield maintenance would be covered in this to allay any further concerns Members had.
The Committee heard there were plans for juniors and women’s cricket, and that The Leys wicket could and would be used in the future.
Officers advised that financially, income for the cricket pitches was minimal and operating figures provided by the Club were low so officers could enter negotiations to agree who does what and ensure some community use was retained.
1. That, the verbal update be noted and,
2. That, in principle, the Town Council agrees to allow Witney Swifts Cricket Club to hold a licence for the use of the Cricket Wicket and outfield at West Witney Sports Ground for the 2025 season and,
3. That, the details of the above licence be delegated to Officers and brought back before the Council’s Policy, Governance & Finance Committee for approval.
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