Agenda item

Update on Planning Appeal received for Land South East Of Oxford Hill, Witney - 20/02654/OUT


With the express permission of the Chair of the Committee received an update of the Planning Appeal Public Inquiry for APP/D3125/W/23/3333790- Land Southeast of Oxford Hill, Witney.


The notice advised that the appeal would be held on 18 June 2024 over two days rather than the original proposed six days. It was agreed that this was due to West Oxfordshire District Council’s decision not to contest the appeal.


The Council’s Leader advised members that this could impact negatively on the services provided to the town by means of the Section 106 contributions which it was hoped would be enhanced as part of the public inquiry. All Members were in agreement that the Town Clerk engage with West Oxfordshire District Council in order to get the best for the Town.




1.      That, the Planning Appeal be noted and,

2.      That, delegate the Town Clerk engage in discussions with WODC.