Agenda item

Projects Update

To receive and consider the report of the Projects Officer concerning ongoing projects under the remit of this Committee.


The Committee received and considered the report of the Project Officer, accompanied with verbal updates from the Head of Estates and Operations.


Members were provided with updates on the Leys Wheeled Sports Park, West Witney Sports & Social Club building, the Leys Courtside Hub, Ralegh Crescent new sports and social area, The Leys Splash Park, and The Leys Parking Restrictions.


The Committee were pleased that a bin had been installed in the Wheeled Sports Park and that the National Association of Local Councils were lobbying the Government over the reintroduction of the Community Ownership Fund after the General Election, which if awarded would go towards funding of the West Witney Sports Ground.


Members also welcomed an update on the Courtside Hubs project where the current state of the site had raised concerns with the public. The plans for the replacement Leys depot at West Witney had been finalised and would be registered by the Planning Authority shortly.


Community engagement was planned for a new sports area at Ralegh Crescent, both at the local cadet centre and the Witney Carnival; winter refurbishment of the Splash Park was also planned for the latter. Officers updated Members on this project and explained the difficulties encountered in getting the pads up and running this summer. Fortunately, after some unforeseen technical failures, it was now working from 12-6pm daily; extension to these timings would result in exceeding the water use budget for the year.


Finally, regarding Leys Parking Restrictions, the Committee were pleased the Council was able to apply for a Traffic Regulation Order and noted preference on timings had already been previously provided but further discussion should take place with Courtside Hubs on this issue.




1.      That, the report and verbal updates be noted and,

2.      That, discussion takes place with Courtside Hubs regarding Leys Parking Restrictions.

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