Agenda item

Residents Satisfaction Survey Results

To receive and consider the report of the Deputy Town Clerk concerning the results of the 2024 annual residents satisfaction survey for this Committee.


The Committee received and considered the report of the Deputy Town Clerk concerning the results of the resident’s annual satisfaction survey which was held at the beginning of the year.


Members were advised the report represented the survey results for the services under the remit of this committee and showed the combined satisfactory and above percentages against poor ones. Previous years data was also included to help benchmark the results. The report also contained all unedited comments on the services.


It was clear some of the comments were already being addressed in ongoing projects and, where possible, these should be highlighted in communications.


Officers advised further work was required by officers to assess the comments ready for the September meeting. Members asked that key points including play areas and inclusive play equipment were addressed at that time.


There was further discussion on how the Council communicates the benefits to biodiversity regarding grass areas which were left to grow.




1.      That, the report be noted and,

2.      That, a further report is prepared by officers analysing the results for the meeting of the Committee on 9 September 2024 and,

3.      That, communications on items already addressed are issued and,

4.      That, further consideration is given to communicating biodiverse benefits of wildflower planting and grass areas.

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