Agenda item

Oxford Traffic Filters

To receive the report of the Deputy Town Clerk regarding an event to inform residents of the details of the Oxford Traffic Filters scheme.


Information on the OCC traffic scheme can be found here

Information on CoHSAT, the group who will facilitate the information event can be found here



The Committee received and considered the report of the Deputy Town Clerk relating to the information evening to be held to inform residents about the new Oxford Traffic Filter scheme being introduced by Oxfordshire County Council.


Members were happy to proceed with the event even though it would fall within the period of campaigning for the general election. Members agreed that the Chair of the Committee should Chair the evening on 27 June 2024.




1.      That, the report be noted and

2.      That, Cllr A Bailey be Chair for the CoHSAT/Oxford Traffic Filters information evening.



Supporting documents: