Agenda item

Third Party Events

To receive the report of the Deputy Venue & Events Officer concerning events proposed or planned on the Town Council’s land.


The Committee received the report of the Deputy Venue & Events Officer regarding third party events due to take place on the Councils Land.


Members were pleased to welcome back the Oxford Playhouse to The Leys for them to provide the free outdoor theatre shows and all Members were in agreement with the request for a subsidised let.


With the express permission of the Chair the Members also heard details of a request from Witney Churches who had requested use of the events field at The Leys on 17,18 & 19 July to host events for Key Stage 3 to 5 Children. Members were pleased to facilitate these free to all events, though some held reservations over the potential religious aspect of the group running these particular series of activities.


The Committee also heard from the Committee Clerk brief details of a proposal received from a local writer regarding a play to highlight the issues of Dementia. Further details, once established, would be provided to a future meeting of the Committee.




1.      That, the report be noted and,

2.      That, a subsidised let to the value of £1,500 be agreed for Oxford Playhouses Outdoor Theatre events and,

3.      That, delegation to Officers be agreed concerning  Courtside CIC’s request to use of The Leys for live music events during the summer and,

4.      That, Witney Churches be allowed free use of The Leys on 17-19 July 2024.



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