Agenda item

Blue Plaques Refurbishment

To receive and consider the report of the Business Administration Apprentice.


The Committee received and considered the report and verbal update from the Business Administration Apprentice regarding the refurbishment of three of the Blue Plaques on the Council’s buildings.


Members agreed that having seen the great results of the renovation of the Corn Exchange Plaque, that the work to refurbish the remaining three should go ahead. Members were in agreement that to reduce cost the plaque on the Buttercross be delayed until the equipment was available during the Christmas Period or earlier should the opportunity arise.




1.      That, the report and verbal update be noted and,

2.      That, refurbishment of the Town Hall and Langdale Hall Plaque proceed and,

3.      That, the refurbishment of the Buttercross Plaque take place later in 2024.



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