Agenda item

Accounts & Audit (England) Regulations 2015 - Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) 2023/24

To receive and consider the report of the RFO to agree the Annual Governance statement along with the Final Internal Audit Report.


In line with The Accounts & Audit (England) Regulations 2015.To receive and consider the Annual Governance & Accountability Return for 2023/24.


Also, to receive and consider the final report of the Internal Auditor for 2023/24. (To Follow)



The Council received the report of the Responsible Financial Officer (RFO) concerning the Annual Governance & Accountability Return (AGAR) 2023/24 under its obligations of the Accounts & Audit (England) Regulations 2015 along with the final report of the Council’s independent Internal Auditor.


The RFO outlined the historical changes to the Audit practice and pointed out that Members took a collective responsibility for ensuring there was a sound system of internal control in order to agree.


It was proposed by Cllr Smith, seconded by Cllr Cherry that questions 1 to 8 be answered “yes” and question 9 answered “Not Applicable” in Section 1 – Annual Governance Statement and that the statement be agreed and recommended for signing at Full Council on 17 June. All Members were in agreement.


It was further proposed by Cllr Smith, seconded by Cllr Cherry that the Accounting Statement which formed section 2 be recommended to Full Council for agreement and adoption. All Members were in agreement


The RFO advised that the remainder of the report was for information; Section 3 would be submitted to the External Auditor with supporting information and would be an analytical review concentrating on variances year on year, or above a certain percentage. The general public would have the right to inspection of the documents which would be published following adoption.


Lastly, it was proposed by Cllr Crouch, seconded by Cllr Edwards-Hughes that the Annual Internal Audit Report be approved, all members were in agreement (excluding Cllr Cherry who had briefly left the meeting)


The Leader of the Council thanked officers, particularly the RFO for their diligence in presenting the information in such an understandable format.




1.      That, the report and verbal updates be noted and, 

2.      That, the Annual Governance Statement at Section 1 of the Annual Return for the year ended 31 March 2024 be approved, and formally adopted by the Council and,

3.      That, the Statement of Accounts at Section 2 of the Annual Return for the year ended 31 March 2024 be approved, and formally adopted by the Council and,

4.      That, in light of the above the Annual Governance & Accountability Return (AGAR) for 2023/24 be formally agreed and adopted by the Council and,

5.      That, the internal Audit report for 2023/24 be approved and,

6.      That, the draft notice advertising electors rights for 2023/24 be noted.


Supporting documents: