Agenda item

Mayor’s Tree Planting Policy

To receive and consider the joint report of the Deputy Town Clerk & Operations Manager.


The Committee received the joint report of the Deputy Town Clerk and Operations Manager regarding the Mayoral Tree Planting Policy.


The Deputy Town Clerk explained that a review of the policy was necessary following approaches from ex-mayor’s families as some of the dedicated trees had fallen into poor health or died.


Following consideration, a vote on whether to continue the planting of an annual mayoral tree was taken with the result being six members in favour and one against.


Members agreed that any planting should be in conjunction with the forthcoming tree planting policy and that the tradition of dedicating a tree should be retained, though this could also be extended to a Bench or Shrub if preferred by the incumbent Mayor.




1.      That, the report and verbal update be noted and,

2.      That, the Council continue with planting a tree, shrub or erection of a bench for each Mayor, with a preference for that Mayors electoral ward being chosen and,

3.      That, trees that are currently deceased or unhealthy should be replaced, their locations being deferred to Officers to arrange suitable locations and,

4.      That, it be deferred to Officers to decide if any future damaged or unhealthy tree should be replaced.

5.      That further information on planting sites are considered/included in the Council’s tree planting policy.


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