Agenda item

Committee Objectives & Work Programme for the Municipal Year

To receive and consider the report of the Town Clerk/C.E.O concerning the priorities of this Committee during 2024/25.


The Committee received the detailed report of the Town Clerk/CEO along with a verbal update concerning the Committee Objectives & Work Plan for 2024/25.


The Town Clerk/CEO explained that some of the objectives listed in her report overlapped with other Committee’s objectives however, due to the financial, legal or policy nature they also appeared on this Committee plan.


The Chair offered thanks on the comprehensive update on projects and noted the Council was doing a huge amount and was constantly doing more and more for the town and residents.


Members were disappointed to note that the Community Ownership Fund was on hold due to the general election and the impact this would have on the Council and its plans for the West Witney Sports & Social Club development. A Member proposed that the Council write to both the Labour and Conservative House of Lords leaders to make the request that the fund is reopened as soon as possible.




1.      That, the Committee Objectives & Work Plan for 2024/25 be noted and,

2.      That, the Town Clerk/CEO write on behalf of the Council to the Lords leaders in respect to the suspended Community Ownership Fund.


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