Agenda item

Lake & Country Park Operational Update

To receive the report of the Biodiversity & Green Spaces Officer.


The Committee received the Operational Update of the Biodiversity & Green Spaces Officer (B&GSO) detailing the work completed since April 2024 along with a verbal update.


The B&GSO thanked members for agreeing the appointment of the Green Spaces Operative as this had allowed for work that could not be completed single handed.


In response to a Member’s query regarding the planting at Curbridge Roundabout, the B&GSO confirmed that work would improve wildflower coverage on this site over the next 2-3 years as the seed took dominance. He also agreed that a strip around the outside of the roundabout would be cut to aid the sight lines for drivers and pedestrians. 


The Committee was also pleased to hear that the installation of the rubbing posts had taken place and welcomed the new nature information posts which would be installed in the coming weeks. A Member suggested that a link to the new nature area established by West Oxfordshire District Council at West Witney could be explored by Officers.




1.      That, the report and verbal update be noted and,

2.      That Officers explore the opportunity of linking residents with the new West Witney nature area.




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