Agenda item

Planning Applications

To receive and consider a schedule of Planning Applications from West Oxfordshire District Council.


The Committee received and considered a schedule of planning applications from West Oxfordshire District Council (WODC).


With the express permission of the Chair, owing to WODC not being able to offer an extension of time to respond to application 24/00655/FUL – 111 Manor Road, Witney the following response was formulated by members outside of the committee and agreed for submission.


Witney Town Council note the amended plans to include the insertion of additional windows to the East elevation however still object to this application. Members continue to show concern for the scale of the proposed development in contrast to the site dimensions, the proposed dwelling will appear very cramped. The application is not compliant with the General Principles of policy OS2 of the West Oxfordshire Local Plan, the development is not of a proportionate and appropriate scale to its context and does not form a logical complement to the existing scale and pattern of development.


Further, policy OS4, requires that development does not harm the use or enjoyment of land and buildings nearby including living conditions in residential properties - Members expressed concern to the lack of amenity land/garden and they see no change in the amended plans




1.      That, the comments, as per the attached schedule be forwarded to West Oxfordshire District Council.

2.      That, the comment noted above be forward to WODC in respect of application 24/00655/FUL.



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