Agenda item

Witney Shores Green - Traffic Management Plan - Planning Ref: R3.0052/24

To consider a consultation from Oxfordshire County Council in respect of an application for works associated with the construction of the A40 Shores Green Junction.


Application Documents can be found at:


The deadline for a response is 24 May 2024.


The Committee received and considered the Traffic Management Plan Ref: R3.0052/24 in respect of the works at the Shores Green Junction of the A40.


Members again welcomed the information as they had the Dust Management Plan earlier in the meeting and supported this application for the improvement to transport infrastructure given the benefits for Witney and its residents.


A Member raised the CLOCS (Construction Logistics and Community Safety) Standard which required developers of large construction sites to plan the movement of their HGVs to keep them away from busy or high-risk areas, such as school gates during drop-off times, as well as setting minimum safety standards for their fleet. Members therefore asked that these standards be adhered to during the construction stage.




That, the following response be submitted to Oxfordshire County Council.


Witney Town Council notes the reference to CLOCS (Construction Logistics and Community Safety) Standard in the application data. However, it would like to see further evidence of how the Contractor will ensure safety for pedestrians and school children travelling between South Leigh and Witney during construction to show greater adherence to these standards.




Supporting documents: