Agenda item

Corn Exchange Business Report

To receive and consider the report of the Deputy Venue & Events Officer.


The Committee received and considered the report of the Deputy Venue & Events Officer concerning the recent activity in the Public Halls.


Members were pleased to hear of the recent successful events and the proposals for the upcoming period and in particular the link up with the University of Gloucestershire and asked that an invitation be extended to students to attend a future meeting to allow them to present their work and for members to thank them directly.


The Committee considered the proposal for the live music events to start in June, all members agreed that this would be an excellent opportunity to promote the Corn Exchange and increase the cosmopolitan feeling on the square experienced in the summer months.




1.      That, the report be noted and,

2.      That, an invitation be extended to the University of Gloucester to attend a future meeting and,

3.      That, live music events commence from 14 June 2024.


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