Agenda item

Public Halls Report

To receive and consider the report of the Venue & Events Officer.


The Committee received and considered the report of the Venue & Events Officer concerning an update on the council Public Halls.


Members were pleased to hear of the improved storage in the Corn Exchange and the immediate effect this had on improving the appearance.


Members then considered the options regarding Wireless or wired microphones in relation to the proposed new conferencing arrangements. Members provided personal experience of using wireless microphones and agreed the importance to ensure a high-quality output and also to future proof the installation given the potential for hybrid council meeting in the future.


The Committee welcomed the reintroduction of the Fizzy Friday event as proposed however asked that the opening hours of the Corn Exchange were advertised clearly in order to maximise the promotion and avoid disappointment to potential venue visitors.


A member questioned why the decision to run a promotion was required by the Committee, the Deputy Town Clerk advised that this was due to the additional cost of staffing requirements.




1.      That, the report be noted.

2.      That, wired microphones be the preferred choice when updating the conferencing system and,

3.      That, the Fizzy Friday promotion recommence from 7 June 2024 and,

4.      That, the Corn Exchange opening times be made clear.


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