Agenda item

Graffiti Project - Skate Park

To receive and consider the report of the Projects Officer.


The Committee received the report of the Project Officer regarding a proposal to hold a graffiti art competition along with a verbal update.


Members were enthusiastic to hear details of the competition and were pleased to hear that Officers would have full oversight of the brief issued to potential artists.


Members also discussed the possibility of a ‘temporary wall’ being made available which would allow graffiti to be continually updated and hopefully deter the defacement of the feature walls.


All Members were in agreement that the competition be launched with the proposed prize and that the walls be protected to ensure their longevity. They also agreed that the brief should focus on “colour, inclusivity, youth, belonging & Witney”




1.      That, the report and verbal update be noted and,

2.      That, the competition be run as presented with  the prize being an iPad and Apple Pencil (£428). The funding for this, along with the protective coating (£229.06) being taken from the Wheeled Sports Park earmarked reserve and,

3.      That, the working of the brief be amended to replace ‘environment’ with ‘belonging’ and,

4.      That, Officers consider making a wall available for temporary graffiti artwork.



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