Agenda item

Community Engagement Report

To receive the report of the Communications & Community Engagement Officer.


The Committee received and considered the report of the Communications & Communities Engagements Officer (C&CEO) regarding upcoming community events.


The C&CEO advised with only a few days to go, the arrangements for the 80th D-Day Commemorations were going well and encouraged all Members to do what they could to support the event.


Members were pleased to hear of the development with the 50th Anniversary events including an activity at the Oxfordshire Play Day Event, Witney Carnival and the new visitor activities available at the country park.


The C&CEO outlined the plans for a Heritage Day, the Mayor’s Coffee Morning fundraiser, offering free hire of the Corn Exchange on Mental Health Day and a potential Eurovision Party. All events were welcomed by Members.


Members also discussed the hanging of the official portrait of the King. Two locations were proposed, the Café area of the Corn Exchange and the Town Hall Reception, both which had potential footfall. A vote was taken with two votes for the Café Area and six votes for the Town Hall Reception.




1.      That, the report and verbal report be noted and,

2.      That, the Council have a nature-based activity at the Oxfordshire Playday event and,

3.      That, the Mayors Coffee morning be held on the day of the Heritage Day and,

4.      That, a budget of £100 be set for the Mayors Coffee Morning and,

5.      That, that the Corn Exchange hire be waived for any organisation on Mental Health Day and,

6.      That, the Kings portrait be hung in the Town Council Reception and,

7.      That, Officers proceed with plan to host a chargeable ticketed Eurovision Event in 2025.




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