Agenda item

Update on Property Matters – Leases & Assets

To receive a confidential update from the Town Clerk/CEO.


The Committee received and considered the confidential report along with a verbal update from the Town Clerk/CEO.


Members received details from the Head of Estates & Operations regarding the options for repairs to be carried out to the Madley Park Hall dividing doors. Members were in agreement that Officers project manage the repairs and that an earmarked reserve be used to fund the repair.


Members proceeded to discuss the issues that had arisen with the running of the Witney Allotment Association (WAA), which covered allotment sites at Newland, Hailey Road, Windrush Place and Lakeside. Members agreed that the Council should issue a single lease to the WAA and allow them to arrange the administration, constitution and running of the allotments as they saw fit.


It was therefore proposed that the WAA be issued one lease they would then have the flexibility to operate separate “branches” for the allotments. The Town Clerk advised that it was necessary for the lease to include named individuals and therefore she would take legal advice to ensure that the lease would be workable and protected the council.




1.      That, the report and verbal update be noted and,

2.      That, Officers project manage the replacement of the Madley Park Hall internal dividing doors and, it be funded from the EMR,

3.      That, subject to legal advice the Town Clerk arrange for a single lease with WAA be drawn up.


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