Agenda item

Major Strategic Projects Update

To receive and consider the report of the Projects Officer/Head of Estates & Operations concerning the progress of projects under the remit of this Committee being undertaken by the Council or Stakeholders.


The Committee received and considered  the report of the Project Officer regarding the major projects within the Town along with a verbal update from the Head of Estates & Operations (HE&O)


Leys Skatepark


Members were pleased to hear that the £57,975 grant provided by the FCC Communities Foundation  was due to be received imminently following the key achievements being met and evidenced. Members reflected on what a great reception the park has had from users.


West Witney Sports Social Club


Members heard that Officers continued to progress grant funding opportunities and were now at the stage of drawing up the final specification and design. Members welcomed the advances on the project and were pleased to hear that renewable energy sources, including a ground source heat pump and photovoltaic panels were being explored. The HE&O advised that they hoped to meet the next grant funding window which was due to be open for June/July.


Also, during the public participation item earlier in the meeting the representative from Witney parkrun had asked to be included at an early stage in the Work Depot development so that they may be aware of the proposed layout and if this would impact on the parkrun course, particularly the proximity of the entrance to the Depot. The Head of Estates & Operations offered his contact details so that an onsite meeting could be arranged to discuss this further.


The representative also raised an issue with a bollard that protects the sports field and asked that this be fixed to prevent unauthorised access of vehicles to the field.


Witney parkrun were also pleased to see via a members social media feed that £30,000 had been budgeted for improvements to the section of their course which ran adjacent to Deer Park Road. It was, however, understood this would not be sufficient to complete the whole project and Officers would discuss this further when they meet with the representatives in order to identify specific needs and assist with potential further funding/grant resources.


Courtside Hub/Leys Redevelopment


The HE&O explained the issues regarding drainage and the works on the building foundations being experienced by Courtside which had delayed the delivery of the project. It was expected that completion would now be in the late summer. Members were disappointed to hear this however, they were pleased to hear officers were in regular contact to provide support in order that residents were kept up to date.




1.      That, the report and verbal update be noted and,

2.      That, an onsite meeting be arranged with representatives of Witney parkrun to discuss the plan for the new depot at West Witney as well as the possibility of improvement to the Deer Park Road path and,

3.      That, the broken bollard at West Witney Sports Ground be repaired.



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