Agenda item

Sports Pitches

To receive and consider the report of the Operations Manager concerning the current position of West Witney Sports Ground Cricket pitch.


The Committee received and considered the report of the Operations Manager regarding the use of the Council’s sports pitches at West Witney Sports Ground for Cricket by Witney Swifts.


The Head of Estates & Operations gave a verbal summary to Members confirming that the Works Team had achieved the necessary standard of grounds preparation required by the league in which Witney Swifts played.


A request had been made by Witney Swifts for the purchase of a lawnmower, Members heard that the Works Team mower could cut to a level of 1mm, the mower requested by the club would cut to 4-5mm. It was therefore agreed that the preparation by the Works Team would be sufficient, and the expense of a mower was not necessary.


A Member reminded the Committee that with the improvements to be made in late 2024 to the WWSCC building, all the sports clubs would soon be experiencing a much-improved facility which, it was hoped, would show the clubs in a good light to visiting teams.


The Town Clerk explained that historically, when the Council’s contractors undertook the wicket maintenance, Witney Swifts would do any last-minute maintenance on match day – on occasions this did have some issues – hence why clarification on any arrangement via an agreement was recommended.  Members agreed that Officers would draw up a user agreement with Witney Swifts for the avoidance of doubt as to what preparations would be carried out by the Council and which would be the responsibility of the Cricket Club at West Witney Sports Ground. The Chair & Vice Chair would also meet with the club to verbally discuss the Councils reasons for the decisions being made.


Regarding the cost of booked sessions, Members asked for a breakdown to be supplied at a future meeting for them to better understand what value the cricket users receive. All Members agreed that charges remain unchanged.




1.      That, the report and verbal update be noted and,

2.      That, the Chair and Vice Chair of the Committee meet with Witney Swifts and,

3.      That, booking charges remain unchanged and,

4.      That, the request from Witney Swifts for a green’s mower be refused.



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