Agenda item


a) To adopt and sign as correct the minutes of the committee held on 30 January, 20 February, and 12 March 2024.


b) Matters arising from the minutes of 30 January, 20 February, and 12 March 2024.


The minutes of the Climate, Biodiversity & Planning Committee meeting held on 30 January, 20 February and 12 March were received.


P54 – The Deputy Town Clerk confirmed that a letter had been sent to the Environment Agency and a reply received which would be circulated as the Full Council meeting on 15 April 2024.The Environment Agency had made it clear that they would not be carrying out any de-silting work at Bridge Street. The Chair confirmed to members that they were minded remembering the Town Councils proposal to clear the silt would be a one-off exercise due to cost.


P55 – The Committee Clerk advised Members the agreement for the issue of the Thermal Camera was being drafted.




That, the minutes of the Climate, Biodiversity & Planning Committee meetings held on 30 January, 20 February and 12 March be approved as a correct record of the meetings and be signed by the Chair.



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