Agenda item

Pesticides Policy

To receive and consider the report of the Operations Manager.



The Committee received and considered the report of the Operations Manager and the accompanying policy document. The item had previously been considered by the Climate, Biodiversity & Planning Committee on 7 November 2023 (minute number P600).


Members welcomed the final policy and recognised the sensitivity around the issue; the Council had to balance biodiversity against the upkeep of its green spaces. As such, they were pleased to see spray/no spray zones listed but asked if there could be more detailed information under each zone heading, possibly even mapping attached.


It would also be useful to include best practice sources, along with acts of parliament which enabled the Council to discharge its functions. It was confirmed that all re-wilding areas were identified, and the use of pesticides would not affect their development.




1.      That, the report be noted.

2.      That, the Pesticides Policy, as presented, be adopted by the Council.

3.      That, delegation be provided to the Head of Estates & Operations to work with officers on including further details including mapping of zone areas and best practice sources.


Supporting documents: