Agenda item

Youth Services

To receive and consider the report of the Deputy Town Clerk.


The Committee received and considered the report of the Deputy Town Clerk.


There was an update on The Station Youth project, which outlined their plans for the summer and which had already peen provided during public participation.


Members also agreed the Council should reform the Youth Services Forum which had met in response to the cessation of Got2B CIC last year. It had provided a useful sounding board for services and would provide an update on the detached youth work to stakeholders and would help glean activities for young people over the summer, to be published by the Council.


In relation to the remaining Youth Services budget, there were hopes that the Council may be able to fund young person’s health and wellbeing sessions again during the summer so a decision on how else it should be expended was deferred until the situation was clearer.




1.      That, the report be noted.

2.      That, the update regarding the Station, under Bright Futures Oxfordshire be noted.

3.      That, the Witney Youth Forum is reformed for a meeting after Easter.

4.      That, the decision on expending the remaining amounts of the Council’s youth budget be deferred until later in the year.


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