Agenda item

Community Engagement Report

To receive the report of the Communications & Community Engagement Officer.


The Committee received and considered the report of the Communications & Community Engagement Officer (C&CEO).


Members were pleased to hear plans to mark the Council’s 50th Anniversary were underway which included a young person’s Virtual Reality event and that communications regarding voter engagement and the Great British Clean Up were planned. In relation to a young litter picker, it was agreed they should be rewarded for their actions.


The Committee agreed dedicated signage and a gazebo were required for the Councillors at The Café event, which had proved to be very successful and that vouchers for community gardening groups and schools for In Bloom should be increased due to rising costs.


With regard to competitions, Members wanted to continue with the ever-popular Christmas competitions and agreed the Christmas Carol service sheet should be offered to seniors for one final year to gauge interest. The Committee also agreed the Wild Witney competition should be run again but thought needed to be given on how this could be promoted to gain further entries.


Finally, The Committee discussed Heritage Open Days and Car Free Day which were held annually in September. Members were supportive of holding the Heritage days along previous lines which would tie into the Council’s anniversary, but there were mixed views on Car Free Day. They noted the interest and uptake had been limited in recent years and agreed that applying resources to the event was not good value for money. However, the climate emergency was one of the Council’s key aims and it should be highlighted. There appeared to be a disconnect with ‘green’ events and residents and apathy from other local authorities who should also be involved.




1.      That, the report be noted.

2.      That, the 50th anniversary update be noted.

3.      That, the young litter picker be rewarded by attending the opening of the Lake & Country Park art rubbing post trail and tour by the Biodiversity & Green Spaces Officer.

4.      That, permanent signage and a gazebo be purchased for the sole use of Councillors @ The Café.

5.      That, a voter engagement campaign is supported.

6.      That, the budgets for In Bloom vouchers be increased in 2024/25 and dispersed to community gardeners (£40) and schools (£50).

7.      That, the Christmas competitions, including light, official card and Christmas carol service sheet are run in the same way as the previous year.

8.      That, the Council runs a Wild Witney competition.

9.      That, the Council runs a Heritage Open Day event in 2024.

10.   That, Car Free Day is run as a social media event in 2024, unless other authorities are able to assist in the facilitation of an event on Market Square/High Street.


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